Under my Mango Tree


I am a reader., yup a reader.  My idea of “me” time is to get a good book, a glass of wine and lose my self in someone else’s world either real or make-believe.  But I have decided to write. Why now you may ask…because I feel I have something to say …..or because I have so much running around in my head that I need to get it out before I go mad… or  maybe sitting here under my mango tree, while on leave, after having experienced two vehicular accidents in three months has brought home how truly short life can be.  Either way here goes.

So let me tell you a little about my life.  I live in a small country and we always have a saying for everything.  So if I use a few of them don’t be confused.  They can be very entertaining.

After working for the last few years in a stressful environment and watching all of my friends have the same worries it was brought home to me recently that life should not be spent always reaching for the proverbial brass ring.

So after the two accidents, I decided that I needed my oasis and my decision to put down my thoughts on paper (or in this case electronically) was born. Can we as strong confident women truly balance it all? I always said yes emphatically.  Marriage, work, children, volunteering, helping others in our families. We are superwomen.  But life wears you down.   “Bucket gine up and down in well evah day, de bottom boun’ tuh drop out.”  So before the bottom drops out of our bucket, ladies take some “me time”. Call up your tribe, purchase the shoes, drink the wine or coffee, do retail therapy, spa day, sit in your oasis; any or all of the above. Hell just take a bath instead of a shower all of the time. The point is do something for you. Life is too short.

Until we meet again
